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Thin Film Coating Blog

Browse our blog to learn more about thin film and conformal coating processes, material, and application. Find out more about HZO and how our solutions can help your market.

PECVD vs CVD – Chemical Vapor Deposition Overview

PECVD vs CVD – Chemical Vapor Deposition Overview

Thin-film deposition is the dynamic process used for depositing thin-film coatings onto a substrate, part, or assembly. Deposition methods, in general, can be grouped into three..

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Overview of the Plasma Nanocoating Process

Overview of the Plasma Nanocoating Process

Nanocoatings, thin films measured at the nanolevel, serve numerous purposes. But for many product design engineers, the ability to safeguard electronics with protection..

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PECVD vs CVD – Chemical Vapor Deposition Overview

May 7, 2021 / by Ryan Moore posted in Coating Process, PECVD Coatings


Thin-film deposition is the dynamic process used for depositing thin-film coatings onto a substrate, part, or assembly. Deposition methods, in general, can be grouped into three categories – liquid coating deposition techniques, physical vapor deposition, and chemical vapor deposition. This article will focus on chemical vapor deposition and one of its variants, plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD).


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Chemical Vapor Deposition Methods

Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods (including but not limited to CVD, PECVD, and atomic layer deposition, ALD) are done under vacuum, well below atmospheric pressure, as the process deposits layers of material molecule-by-molecule or atom-by-atom. With these techniques, thin-film layers can be deposited in the range of nanometers to sub-20-micron, compared to traditional deposition, which yields coatings at 50-500 microns.

No matter the method, vapor deposition produces coatings that alter the substrates’ electrical, mechanical, optical, thermal, and corrosion-resistance properties. The resulting dry coatings are durable and have reached optimal properties without curing at the end of the production cycle.

Below is an overview of the chemical vapor deposition process.


Overview of the Chemical Vapor Deposition Process

The CVD process deposits materials, including Parylene, in a vacuum chamber by vapor deposition polymerization. The item to be coated is exposed to one or more precursors, which decompose or react on the surface. In the instance of Parylene, a solid dimer is vaporized to gas. Before entering the deposition chamber, the gas travels through a pyrolysis chamber that cracks the dimer into two di-radical monomers. The monomers adsorb onto the substrate as a polymer.


an Overview of the Chemical Vapor Deposition Process


Chemical vapor deposition is used to augment substrate surfaces in ways that traditional modification techniques cannot. Polymerization by CVD allows for thin coatings with properties such as lubricity, weather resistance, and hydrophobicity.

Chemical vapor deposition is a repeatable process that produces consistent coverage and reliable results. Applications include:

Many hybrid application techniques arise from CVD, evolving to modify the properties of fabricated thin films. Among these variants, PECVD is a method that can extend the applicability of the technique for reactive and inorganic materials, inert materials, and various precursors. This technique is discussed below.

Overview of the Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Process

Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition is a variant of CVD; however, it uses plasma energy instead of only thermal energy to deposit thin films. The plasma is typically created by radio frequency, direct current, or microwave discharge that energizes reactant gases, such as silane or oxygen, to form a plasma. The deposition equipment uses a mixture of ions, free electrons, radicals, excited atoms, and molecules to deposit thin-film coatings to the substrate. Parts in the chamber are bombarded with energetic ions (plasma) that form a thin-film layer on the surface made from metals, oxides, nitrides, and/or polymers (fluorocarbons, hydrocarbons, silicones).


PECVD Process Diagram



PECVD-deposited films have excellent physical properties because they are uniform, highly cross-linked, and generally resistant to chemical and thermal changes. Plasma-applied polymers are extensively used in optical coating and dielectric films due to their lower cost and higher efficiency properties. Offering excellent control of material properties (stress, refractive index, hardness), PECVD also produces films used in the semiconductor industry for device encapsulation, surface passivation, and isolation of conductive layers.

Different film compositions can easily be adjusted to produce organic thin films on large substrates (glass and silicon) with varying chemical, thermal, optical, electrical, and mechanical properties. PECVD has also recently been used for many biological applications, including medical device protection, and is also used to avoid corrosion in optical and dielectric devices.

This nanocoating process can use various materials as coatings, including metals, oxides, or silicon, which may offer more flexibility than CVD. Applications include:

  • Fabrication of electronic devices to isolate multiple conductive layers, capacitors, and for surface passivation
  • Solar cells, semiconductor devices, and optically active device applications due to optical, mechanical, and electrical properties
  • Processing of printable electronic devices due to high process efficiency, large-scale patternability, lower cost, and environmentally friendly nature
  • SiN (silicon nitride) PECVD films are used for semiconductor applications due to higher capacitance density, breakdown voltage, and particle performance.
  • SiC (silicon carbide) PECVD films have demonstrated promise in developing high-temperature withstanding MEMs devices.


CVD Benefits

When used with Parylene, CVD brings many benefits to the table, including:

  • Ultimate thin-film barrier material for liquid water, water vapor, and harsh chemical corrosion (acid, alkali, organic reagents)
  • Excellent dielectric strength to provide dielectric and insulative protection across an extensive range of frequencies
  • Highly conformal and adherent to many surfaces (metals, glasses, plastics, silicon, ceramics)
  • Entirely non-toxic (safe for all human contact, including implantable devices) and green (non-hazardous processing)

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CVD Drawbacks

In comparison with PECVD, CVD can have the following drawbacks:

  • Higher cost: long deposition time (10-20 hrs) need for masking/demasking (80%-line cost), and high precursor (dimer) cost
  • Relatively thick film (typically 10µm minimum thickness needed for high integrity pinhole-free conformal coating)
  • Limited operating range/life due to the aging effects of heat (>50°C), oxygen (air), and UV (sunlight) exposure
  • Low wear resistance and mechanical durability limits use on exterior surfaces (cases, enclosures)

PECVD Benefits

PECVD offers the following benefits:

  • Ability to create “nano”-thin barrier films (50nm+) with low stress (room temperature process)
  • Lower cost: due to fast deposition times (accelerated by RF field) and relatively low cost/low use precursor materials
  • No need for masking/demasking to prevent coating on non-target part areas: the coating may be shielded using the part-holders
  • High tailorability: recipe changes facilitate diverse coating properties, including hydrophobic surfaces, UV protection, oxygen resistance, reworkability, and more

PECVD Drawbacks

In comparison with CVD, PECVD can have the following drawbacks:

  • Barrier performance is weaker than Parylene and highly dependent on the film thickness, layer count, and plasma type.
  • Limited wear resistance: materials are typically soft (enables rework but exacerbates handling issues).
  • Some coatings may be halogenated, raising health and environmental concerns.

Although this article has provided an overview of CVD and PECVD, it is only a high-level discussion. Chemical vapor deposition processes are a good choice for thin-film deposition, but selecting the proper method takes significant experience and technical acumen from a domain expert. HZO offers highly customizable protection solutions with both CVD and PECVD processes. If you have difficulty deciding which thin-film deposition method to use, contact us today to consult with our engineers.

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Overview of the Plasma Nanocoating Process

March 26, 2021 / by Mallory McGuinness-Hickey posted in Coating Process, PECVD Coatings



Nanocoatings, thin films measured at the nanolevel, serve numerous purposes. But for many product design engineers, the ability to safeguard electronics with protection capabilities such as hydrophobicity, corrosion-resistance, and dielectric and thermal properties, is top of the list. Protective nanocoatings empower organizations to mitigate risk associated with downtime, reduce repairs and warranty claims, and cultivate market confidence with remarkably reliable electronic products.

Download our white paper on thin-film coating depositions, including PECVD and a summary of PECVD vs CVD



Plasma Surface Technology Benefits

Plasma application processes can produce nanocoatings with many beneficial substrate surface characteristics, including:

  • Hydrophobicity
  • Oleophobicity
  • Humidity/temperature protection
  • Excellent flammability protection
  • Low dielectric constant with good high-frequency properties
  • Good dielectric strength and high bulk and surface resistance
  • Splash protection
  • High barrier protection against corrosive chemicals and gases while providing low permeability to moisture

These valuable benefits have piqued interest in plasma-based nanocoatings and the processes used for their deposition.

Read "How Small is a Nanometer?"

Plasma Coating Processes

While several methodologies exist to apply nanocoatings to substrates, including plasma spray deposition, plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) is popular due to enhanced process control and beneficial physical film properties.


a chart explaining the nanocoating process

PECVD Process


The PECVD Plasma Application Process

PECVD harnesses plasma energy to deposit nanocoatings through several power sources, including microwave discharge, radiofrequency, and direct current. Using PECVD equipment, gases are energized to form a plasma and a mixture of ions, radicals, excited atoms, free electrons, and molecules to deposit the nanocoatings.

Possible materials to form the coatings include metals, polymers (silicones, hydrocarbons, fluorocarbons), oxides, and nitrides, representing many possibilities. The resulting films are highly cross-linked, dense, pinhole-free, and uniform; these attributes lend to good physical properties.
The process offers precision control over these film properties, yielding various chemical, thermal, mechanical, electrical, and optical benefits.


HZO PRO800-PL Proprietary Nanocoating Coating Equipment

HZO PRO800-PL Nanocoating Equipment


PECVD Parameters to Consider for Optimal Performance

Internal and external plasma parameters may be modified to affect the resulting film. Internal plasma parameters include the precursors used, the distribution of various species in the plasma and the species’ energy, and the homogeneity of discharge. External parameters include temperature, applied power, total pressure, gas flow rates, pumping speed, and reactor geometry.

PECVD Benefits

The deposition process allows for a wide range of material usage, including unconventional precursors that can deposit on surfaces with complex geometries, typically at lower temperatures than other vacuum deposition processes, such as thermal chemical vapor deposition. It is possible to tightly and efficiently control these precursors while generating few by-products, allowing for precise film composition and uniformity control. As a result, PECVD nanocoating chemistry is unique and often unobtainable with standard liquid coating deposition methods.


PECVD Applications

PECVD coatings are used in applications that require lower cost and high efficiency, including optical coatings, corrosion resistance, and dielectric films.

Applications include:

  • Mobile phones
  • Earbuds
  • Smart speakers
  • Wearables
  • Outdoor cameras
  • Hearing aids
  • Catheters
  • Smart patch
  • Connected health devices
  • Automotive in-cabin sensors and electronics
  • Automotive cabin filters
  • Automotive cameras
  • Doorbell cameras
  • POS scanners
  • Air quality sensors
  • Smart home applications
  • LEDs
  • Drones
  • HVAC sensors
  • Industrial equipment controller

PECVD Coatings with HZO

At HZO, our in-house designed deposition equipment is optimized for faster deposition rates with scalable reactors for High-Volume Manufacturing (HVM). The fixtures used during the deposition process (directional plasma only) provide an alternative to masking, a process used to ensure coating does not cover parts such as connectors. This alternative can save time and money, as masking and demasking can be labor-intensive.

  • Plasma-based technology leverages a variety of chemistries that can quickly be adapted to specific requirements.
  • Coatings can be single or multi-layer, with one or more chemistries applied. This hybrid approach allows the delivery of target properties.
  • Materials include halogen-free alternatives.
  • Typical thickness varies from 300 nm to 3 µm.
  • Masking requirements can generally be addressed in the chamber as part of the deposition process using a shadow mask to isolate areas to be kept free of coating.
  • Minimal footprint required to perform coating operation.
  • Features include liquid protection, anti-corrosion, etc.
  • Solutions are scalable for high-volume manufacturing at competitive pricing.

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For more information on our plasma-based nanocoatings, please contact the HZO team with any questions or concerns. Our engineers would love to give you a free consultation to determine if the plasma nanocoating process is ideal for your application.

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