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Parylene Protection For Diabetes Control Devices

hzo-mpo-logo Originally Published in Medical Product Outsourcing, October 2021

"To enhance user safety, manufacturers are well-advised to coat their devices against water, blood, dust, and other environmental contaminants."

Article Summary

  • CGM failure can expose patients to significant, potentially fatal hazards
  • Water, dust, blood, and other environmental contaminants may induce such failure.
  • Known for excellent chemical and moisture resistance, Parylene provides strong barrier protection for CGMs.
  • HZO combines processes, equipment, materials, and experience to provide a viable Parylene coating option.

James Tosh

Industry Expert

James, educated in Scotland, has extensive engineering experience. He started as a Yield Analyst at an Opto-Electronic company and became a Failure Analysis Engineer at Wolfson Microelectronics. He then worked as a Reliability Program Manager at Research in Motion (Blackberry) before joining HZO in 2014.

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