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Perfecting the Application of Conformal Coatings Without a Capital Investment

hzo-smt007-logo Originally Published in SMT007, October 2021

"While the barrier properties of parylene are unmatched, it adds minimal mass to coated surfaces and contributes no cure or thermal expansion forces to threaten delicate components."

Article Summary

  • Parylene provides competitive protective barrier properties to protect components from the environment and corrosion.
  • Impediments to Parylene’s wide adoption have been cost and scalability.
  • HZO’s proprietary coating equipment is made to specialize in mass production and can scale up to coating hundreds, thousands, or millions of electrical sub-assemblies a day.
  • There are three distinct steps in the HZO process: pre-process, coating, and post-process.

Zsolt Pulai

Industry Expert

Zsolt Pulai, with degrees in software engineering, embedded programming, and factory automation from Szechenyi University, and an MBA in Business Strategy from the MBA Institute, has extensive experience in designing deposition equipment for the thin-film solar industry. He served as CEO of ZPL Technologies before joining HZO in 2017.

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