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Protective Coatings for Drone Electronics


About the Infographic

In the auto industry alone, downtime can cost up to $3 million per hour. Downtime is bad enough, but the repercussions of unplanned downtime can be downright scary. Learn about the pitfalls and threats of downtime and how they can be avoided when it comes to protecting your electronic components with HZO coating technology. 


Brochure Highlights

Overiew of Barrier Properties

Parylene's uniform coverage and performance are superior, while HZO nanocoatings are hydrophobic, oleophobic films for reliability.

Nanocoatings Case Study

HZO partners with a large company that designs and builds delivery UAVs meeting the highest safety and reliability standards. Learn more.

Sustainability Solutions

A discussion about averting e-waste, preventing premature failure, and how to comply with regulations such as REACH and RoHS.

Enabling Heat Dissipation

Overheating can pose serious reliability challenges for UAVs. HZO coatings allow heat dissipation while protecting from corrosion. 

Included Technical Resources

  • Temperature stability values for Parylene
  • HZO IPC CC-830C testing results compared to other coatings
  • Thermal conductivity, emissivity, and film thickness comparison
  • Technical datasheet for HZO Nanocoatings
  • List of HZO coating benefits for consumer electronics

Are HZO Protection
Solutions Right for You?